AGM Minutes 2003

Last updated : 28 July 2003 By Phil Nesbitt

The following were elected as the Officers of the club for 2003/4:
PRESIDENT Wade Elliott
CHAIRMAN Andy Burton
SECRETARY Phil Nesbitt
COMPETITIONS Phil Henstridge
The first five on the above list are the club's committee members.

Roy Garner was elected Treasurer but has expressed the desire to leave the position in the near future. Ellis Griffin mentioned that he had been in discussion with John Russell who indicated that he may be willing to fill the role of Treasurer. Ellis has agreed to contact John, who was not present at the meeting, to establish whether he is willing to take over as Treasurer.

The membership fees for 2003/2004 will be increased to £13.00 for UK members and be £18.00 for EU members, £24.00 for ROW and £8.00 for students. The increase is necessary to cover the recent rise in the cost of postage for our magazine Exiled!

The membership for 2002/2003 was 184 ordinary members and 76 family members. This includes 18 new/rejoined members and 22 new/rejoined family members whilst 30 full 13 family members did not renew their membership. Overal there was a slight decline of the membership level and the expected increase in new members as a result of our reaching the Play Off Final in Cardiff did not occur.

The Treasurer reported that the club had bank balances of £1674 at the time of the meeting. Known liabilities meant that a £900.00 surplus would be carried forward to next season. The committee will decide how to pass these funds to the football club probably by sponsorship of a youth team player.

There will be 3 seasons tickets available for members to use during 2003/2004 at many home matches as a further member has agreed with the football club that we can use theirs when they cannot attend a match. Andy Burton holds these and will coordinate their usage. Members will be charged £15.00 for use of a ticket.

Our present printer of Exiled! has advised that they will charge an extra £120.00 per issue due to the method of production being out of date. The present edition was printed by another company, Broadway at a cost of £289.00 an edition. It was decided to use them in future and to approach them to negotiate a reduced price for a fixed contract. Richard Barker and Andy Burton will continue as editors of alternate editions.

The number of hits to our website increased markedly over the season. We receive an occasional small cheque from our provider. Now articles from members are required to keep the website fresh and interesting.

Andy Burton sold £3576.00 worth of tickets for the Play Off Final at Cardiff. In general the handling of these went smoothly and thanks have been received from the football club for our help. A vote of thanks was passed to acknowledge Andy's hard work.

Merchandise sales were around £600.00 for the season. The best sellers were mouse mats and coffee mugs and the new exiles badge sold well at the end of the season. £800.00 worth of stock is held. It is proposed to produce a new 'I was there' t shirt for Cardiff.

Peter Phillips has agreed that all shareholdings of £100.00 in the football club that are at present held through Cherries International may be now held as individual shareholdings. It is expected that a charge of £150.00 will be incurred to cover stamp duty and the exiles club will fund this although the small balance on Cherries International bank account will also be used. This cost to the exiles will be a donation too Cherries International.

The following attended the AGM; Andy Burton, Ellis Griffin, Clive Loader, Roy Garner, Peter Wicks, Richard Barker, Phil Henstridge, Phil Nesbitt, Peter Allen, Robin Stieber and Jim Pruden and in a non voting capacity Jerry Revell.

Apologies were received from Mike Robins, Ralph Beales, John Newman, Graham Moffat, Rob Mann, Gordon Buchan, Pam and Adrian Smith and Steve Hunt.

This is an abridged version of the minutes of the meeting. A full copy can be obtained from the secretary upon request.
Phil Nesbitt, Reading