It should become clear in the week ahead whether Charlie Sheringham will require surgery to repair damage on a fractured navicular.
Comment on the Clubs Official Web Site states that: "The initial X-ray showed no fracture, but he was still unable to put any weight on his foot and it was very tender to touch. We still felt it could be a fracture even though the X-ray didn’t reveal it, so we sent him for an MRI scan and, unfortunately, it showed a fracture of his navicular. He is currently on crutches wearing a protective boot. He is due to see the surgeon next week just to decide how we approach it. With this injury, sometimes we like to leave it and let nature take its course, or the surgeon may want to operate. That’s why we will see him next week. He has dealt with a number of players, so I trust his opinion and I will see him next week and then shed light on what is discussed".